[오늘의영어한마디] boy the years have sure been unkind to her
저런 그녀는 힘든 새월을 보낸 거 같아




look over there. it's jill henson. boy, the
years have sure been unkind to her.
저기 좀 봐 질 헨더슨이야 저런 힘든 세월을 보내거 같네
you can say that again. although, to be fair, i
heard she's had two kids.
정말 그렇네 거짓말 안 보태고 재한테 아이가 두명 있대
wow. i never expected her to settle down and a
start a family.
와 재가 결혼해서 가정을 꾸릴 거라곤 상상도 못했는데
oh, she never settled down. she has two kids
by two different men.
아 결혼은 한번도 안했어 아빠가 다른 아이가 둘이래

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